Pencil tips are like Ladies hips Gently swaying to the music Gliding on frosted marble, Drinking in the purity of Rough parchment
Pencil tips are for when ideas form words and words form complexity Scratching into notebooks, Mountain peaks, Translating concepts into Mount Rushmore
Pens are too forceful Permanent Pencils can be erased Just like every memory stored Within a coffee can In a homemade time capsule
The priest said God is pure But when he made us, He used pencil tips, paper thin lines Tracing and retracing Imperfectness is perfect he said
Japanese paintings Created with brush strokes Evok-ing pictures of marvelous queens, Cowardly jesters, Mighty kings, Elegant ballerinas, and Alluring princes
Pencil tips created these fantasies Dreams Grandiose mirages fold and unfold On top of tissue paper bibles, Delicate taut skin
How do words create overbearing tears, phantom heartbreak, Jealous ex-girlfriends, Infidelity infested ignorant *******, breathtaking wedding bells?
Pencil tips
Written in University at Buffalo, while visiting my boyfriend, after loosing my first draft and having to start all over again.