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Sep 2017
You meet a lot of people
working as a pump station clerk.
In fact, certain people begin
thinking you're their friend
and start telling you their business.
I know a friend of the mayor,
a city cop named Tim, who can't stand black people,
and I know a black man
who can't stand Tim.
There's a girl whose name I don't know that's pregnant and still drinks and says at least she doesn't smoke.
It's hard to not have an opinion
on these sorts of people,
but I do.
I just never express it.
I just take their money and they go,
and I sit here and think how I
hope I don't seem like them to
the other pump station clerks.
Maybe I seem rude to the other clerks, since I don't say much
and I don't try to be their friend.
I just give them my money and
pump my gas and don't say a word.
I hope they know that
I'm not being rude and I hope
they are silently thankful of me for it.
Tyler Matthew
Written by
Tyler Matthew  27/M/U.S.
     --- and Weeping willow
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