I'm not the way home reminds me I waft through the world obtaining the ideals Of unanimous prophecies
Spelling it as if it is so He turns towards me and hands me the fine tip of a needle open arms Wide Swings the words through catalytic loops
Soulmate Forever He says Till the final throws of life come through my eyes I wont breathe still youre mine
But I'm motionless I freeze as the cracks take their form The natural progression of ice melting It signifies nothing Nodding as the moonlight Devours I sit still for hours Cigarette after cigarette The thick chews of ginger candy Wrappers clothing me
I'm the skin Holding our bodies as they morph into one As the paint fumes poison us Rats tickling the walls
We lie To ourselves Above the sheets on the bed I tell him I want to see the world He perks confused "Aren't I your world?"