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Aug 2017
Seeing you gives me shivers
I despair, seeing you with another
I just want to disappear
For I still love you
And I blew it
There's nothing I can do
I'm the king of sorrow
The ****** fool

But I don't say these words
I pretend I'm doing fine
We chat about our lives
I make a little smile
Then I ride off on my bike
Then comes a little tear
I'm not fooling myself
I miss you
And that means everywhere

I can only blame myself
It's too late to make us right
There's a whole conversation going on in my head
I've no more fight
Just resignation at this resolution
Some lucky dog has won your heart and soul
I get a glimpse of your happiness
It takes my all to stay in control

I've lost you, but I can't wait to see you
To wallow, however briefly, in your charms
Knowing I will never again taste your lips
Or have you in my arms

It's a sad situation
As bad as it can get
I still love you
But us you can forget
Written by
Neville Johnson  Los Angeles
(Los Angeles)   
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