Ash fell like twisted snowflakes distorted from tome stone clouds, children were playing outside unaware to the ruination descending . Collecting this abomination of clouds above.
Amassing the needed amount, collecting it with others as heavy than the white stuff. But collectively they made each one, dead branches hung as limbs of fallen life hanging loosely.
Each was a distortion of the other, as each child coughing under showers of grey flakes... Eyes were broken bottles glassed into there features Smiles more of teeth, small rocks falling like hail above.
As each on looked upon there creation, on there knees admiring each's snowman of grey hues. They stayed theirΒ Β breath was concrete, Imamate like snowmen coverings of ash collected upon there silence.
They fell beneath there snowmen, like tombstones silently adoring there creators. Buried beneath the tears of an angry heaven. the snowmen awkwardly smile. Silence collects as death is buried by clouds.