Kissed by a warm breeze, I feel like mirrors to the radiance of summer's soft touch.
13:10 - 16/07/17
State of mind: blissful; calm. Perspective: natural; philosophical.
Thoughts: from thinking - the reason we can draw parallels between human, natural, even universal behaviours so easily is because they are all connected. The information of one feeds into another. That is why our mood is affected so strongly by things such as the moon's gravitational pull or polar levels of sunlight.
I swear cultural temperaments are born of such simple things as the weather. This links in to how an environment shapes you. If you want to change or discover who you are, do so with your environment. You will be forced to adapt to it (or force it to adapt to you). Successful or not, keep changing how you live until you find something you're comfortable with... somewhere you were born to be.
Listening to: David Bowie - Changes.
Questions: Does success mean different things to different people?