Found on the date of nine – two – three – two – oh – one – seven - Barely more than one month after the grand eclipse of heaven The revised twelve stars of Leo crown the head of the ******. In her land of milk and honey, her labors merge in.
Jupiter encircles the womb while within the Holiest of gastronomes. Mercury, Mars and Venus conjoined with Leo’s nine making the dozen. Seventy-five days prior the New City’s Trumpet has merged with Put In Calling for Levant’s retribution which will divide ancient Ebian within.
The ******’s head newly crowned with the temporal twelve stars of Leo, At her feet quiver the sun and moon awaiting the arrival of Palladio. She being with child cries in the pain to deliver. The earth quickens the mystery in perfected position, as both quiver.
Nine months prior the consummation completed by NATO’s resolution Casting out the promised land – this is real – this is not the imagination. Jubilee last appeared on the eave of the six day war Marked by half centuries, Jubilee returns this year once more.
The revelations of tribulation are set by a single star that does always appear Every two thousand years and four thousand years ago it founded Israel. Two thousand years ago this same star led the three kings to the king of all kings. This star is visible for two years and appeared in September two thousand and fifteen.
And yet another sign appears in the heavens: behold a great fiery Red Kachina Having seven followers and ten outcasts with seven headbands in the arena. The Red Kachina drawing in a third of the stars, hurling them toward the earth. This Kachina standing at the ******’s feet waiting for her to give up the birth.
The Red Kacina’s vile evilness waiting to consume Jupiter’s birth failing To devour the newborn who is to lead all nations with a rod of iron. But the child remains in the heavens with it’s mother to feed grazed By the Red Kachina for one thousand two hundred and twenty six days.
Do you believe in prophecy. I'm not sure that I do. All I can tell you is that I have these dreams. I get up and try to write them down. I've decided to share some of them. You can find many of the words in this piece in Revelation in the Bible if you care to take the time to look them up and read them.