Am I merely an entertaining guest? If so – in the course of my entertainment Perhaps I should have resigned All of these cursed talents one after the other On the principle that no matter what - There is no way that I could keep them all. Perhaps if someone else had these curses And they were not in my brain - Maybe then I could become a regular Joe.
Yet I ask – Is it that I am the one let in To show off my own wit or is it That I was let in to see the wit of others? I call upon heaven itself to bear witness To the fact that even now, I have never once opened my lips. Even so I am told by most that they have Never had a more improved conversation With a man in their life. Strange.
How crafty and artful I must be to Speak without ever saying a single word. Have I some gift to UN-people them from Their dominion over their own Ideas of Love? Or are all of us mere objects of our affections Hiding about as slaves in a church while not Actually believing in anything? Could a slave defend the citadel anyway?
In my mind I form designs toward All sentiments of every religion finding That beauty has its place buried So deep in worship that even the Church is but a slave to its effects. But life itself is not so adamant. It comes and it goes flowing through First one and then another having no Such chain or restraints as does the Fleeting song of beauty which in time Steals all beauty laying waste to us all.
Likewise, religion too is a waste if it Is based purely on the beauty of itself. My lips are not moving now either But they are neither dead or fully alive. But if they could they surely would say More than an entire encyclopedia could Say by just saying that one single word aloud. Yet if I said that one word aloud Everyone would take me to the corner Pinning the badge of idiot upon me.
So remember of me this - I am as much a slave to this mind As this mind is a slave to life. The price for this mind’s freedom has Within it an honest reckoning of which I can neither avoid or deny. Inside my mind there is a slave fighting Diligently with my every sentiment of honor – Both cherished and despised by this, my inner revolt.
Yet I grow ever stronger even as I battle myself. Though I am often forced back down To a slavery system which forces me To be a slave to that one word that has Within it the ability to set us all free. While it both loses us and finds us Somewhere inside of this silenced art. I need not say the word for if you are A slave to it – as am I – you already know it.
Ssshh – just write about it – don’t say it out loud.
You know that to most people we poet's are basket cases right? In this piece I try to communicate with other like minded poetic fools such as myself. Only a poet can understand another poet - I have come to believe this is true.