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Jun 2017


        H O P E

The little child kept walking through the forest. Only ever stopping to look around to make sure nobody was following him. He was running away from home.

His home was a thousand miles away from where he was at the moment. Afraid and lonely. It felt only yesterday when he sat by the window within the warmth of his home.

Now all he saw was strange and confused. His eyes were having a hard time adjusting to the frequency of this wander land.

There was something barren in life here. Something felt made up and painted. There was no taste in the air. There was no feel to the wind.

Yet, he kept walking on. In silence and alone. He was sure nobody else survived. He was sure he was going no where.

And just before he was about to give up. There was a flash in the sky. So bright that the sky almost melted into a night. He felt it.

He felt it rising through the wind. It was making his heart beat faster. The bright light burst into a big cloud of fireball, almost divine by design.

The little child closed his eyes and bent down on his knees. This was salvation.

A few seconds later, he was torn apart in pieces.

Written by
aviisevil  28/M/india
     Jayantee Khare, Marrisa and Vanessa Gatley
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