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Jun 2017
I'm so very lonely
It's nobody's fault but hers
I wish there was someone else to blame
But no, I'm cursed
Looking back, looking down
Nothing I can do
She got me good
It's all bad
That's what's so very new

Should I have taken the chance on love?
Of course, there's no other way
And so of course I leapt
With all my courage into the fray
At first, it was OK
She seemed to like my quips
The bike rides along the bay
The bluebonnets I would bring her
Our life was a bouquet
An aphrodisiac
Up until that day
She pulled me aside
Then held my hand
Said it had been nice
But she was on her way

It was good while it lasted
But for now I'm just blasted
Blown into smithereens
My hopes are dashed
I'm afraid I've crashed
Yes, I'm squeezed with no ego
Everything's so-so
Down with a no-go
Ever since her say-so
Coming apart at the seams

And it's nobody's fault but hers
Written by
Neville Johnson  Los Angeles
(Los Angeles)   
   Elizabeth J
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