I like the nastiest bars, Those where the waitress is called names But she doesn't care 'cause she's too kind And tries to keep it all clean for 400 a month.
Those bars have drama Whole worlds and stories continuosly entangling, Whisky on rocks, vomits and shouts Here comes Rita the waitress to clean it all again; Dogs bark in the streets Women cry in their beds as men get drunk And kick the innocent trash can over a discussion about gibberish.
The loner cat lurks the street at night Hunting for hamburgers that fell off the trash can, The drunk men start a fight, 'Here comes the police!' 'Run-run!' One falls, gets the blame and a free trip to county jail, Three others join a party and feed the ****** Money and **** --- tails.
Finally, the last one goes home To beat the crying wife over the same junk And the repressed anger only a coward can hide.