The night is swiftly drawing near. Within my heart a stroke of fear. What world awaits me when I sleep? What gorgeous terrors my mind keeps From me until I close my eyes And leave the waking world behind!
In dreams a false reality: What gives me strength to let me fly Past crescent moons, through airy lakes, And watch the heav’nly light rays break Through clouds of cotton soaring high Above the fields of warm July?
This realm I pray to never leave; Its absence I so sorely grieve When, more and more, I seem to find The inner fabric of my mind Distorting into something base: My dreams now seem to wear your face.
For no amount of light can ease The pain from dreams that will not cease. In sleep, or wakening, I know Your Devil’s face will always show, For like a sunset in the East, You’re like a never-dying Beast.