Young: dreaming of impossible possibilities Unrestrained, untethered from reality Unaware of the ticking, of the passing of the seconds, of the hours, of the years to the end of eternity.
Climbing Climbing and Clinging to the hope that one can dream forever and as the feet are swinging the child, fearless of pain, fearless of the fall, is ever naive, and never expecting that one day the dream may end.
For what was once a child is a child no longer
Mature: daydreaming of the past, yet troubled of the future Unfeatherd, grounded in reality All too aware of the arching clock hands and the hours that turn into seconds and the days that pass into years begin to fade into oblivion.
Falling Falling and Failing to realize that the feet now rest upon the ground and the child that was once fearless, is fearing the depths of a future not yet found forever doubtful yet hoping To continue to dream at day’s end.
What was gained was equally lost And with this knowledge in hand The child finally stands Holding on to the dreams of tomorrow Grasping the fantasies of yesterday
Indeed, what once was can never be again To march forward never to return What awaits are only questions, what remains are only “ifs” But what stands tall is neither a realist nor a dreamer