My tea is lukewarm My tone of voice forlorn I would have a girl friend but I have sworn I will be free and I am too childish to bear any responsibility My tv is five years old and doesn't have ultra HD It also pains me it doesn't do 3D My clothes have holes but they are not designer fashion I have been told to spend so I do not save I grow depraved not being thankful But that is what I have been taught by advertising So why is it surprising I am depressed and unhappy? I definitely not a happy chappy When my wifi doesn't work When my cds are scratched When my socks don't match When it rains I am disgusted The weather man is someone I trusted and yet I live a life that others would **** for Still I don't see further than my pants draw I need more boxers But come on who's eaten my chocolate stash I am due a sugar rush and then I will crash.