Nothing like a cup of coffee to cure your ills Tired? Coffee will do the trick Stressed? Grab a brew and you'll loosen up, you old stiff. None of that cheap **** A slow roast blend from the third world will do.
Milk? No, pure. Sugar? NO! Pure. Filter? No, drip only.
I want every morsel of flavour. Ever drop from those mud coloured grind granules. Every little pitter patter Of brown bitter splatter. So strong to leave a man wired Awake? So Awake ; prepared. Alive? So Alive to my surroundings;Β Β aware.
Oh, there come those jitters; perfect, To be nothing less than scared. God ******, I said no filter! I promise you it'll tastes better Hey buddy, I'm at the centre Tired of your gimmicks Frappa-this Cappu-that I'm not a fan of that mocha crap For I am a purist, through and through.
Therefore, hand what I demand, Said dark waters With heat of Hades Please, i must, before i falter SAVE ME! i FEEL THE SIGNS!