The keys. The keys are on the kitchen table. The car. The car is parked just outside. My bag. I've packed it with clothes, not much else. Money. Not a lot of it, but probably just enough. My phone. In my pocket, turned off.
Is it really just these things i need, to run away from this place?
Leave my life behind fly out wide, deep in space. Running away, leaving all the challenges I face.
Would it really be that easy just to leave this place?
In a metaphorical prison, surrounded by concrete walls. It's lucky that my mind's ever seen sun light at all. I mean physically the door's right there but mentally I continue to stall.
Why? Why do I stay, looking out the window through the bars? Dreaming of a life I'll never have from afar.
I never understood why the caged bird sings, i mean what does it have to sing about? Locked in a cage, alone with my thoughts, I begin to shout...
I AM NOT A CAGED BIRD! Please let me out?!
I could open the door, but I'm fighting in my mind, part of me says that it's nice here, the other part knows this is just irrational fear.
So grab the I keys, open the door, I feel as though I'm ready to explore.
I wonder....will I ever miss the cage I lived in before?