Yes, anime as from a distance' frail Note comes to hail me on my own phone hence-- Which brother's taste cavorting gaily thence Like to a happy air I cherish? pale As liking by mere halves what plays for bail Now in the background. Lo, and for intents Sis can make calls, whilst oh! don't ask me whence, But add the p'lice erm, scanner too, to scale. If only oh, the LORD would e'er and fer All time take care of little me. I do Not know how to whatever, though tis poor, Ye say, to fess't? My brother's old phone too, They set it up for me, and how we tour Their favrite stuff thereon. Fun like few knew.
Line up if you think you have questions. Brothers, who said I didn't have the greatest men in the world as mine, all mine?