i do nothing i do nothing but sit i do nothing but ponder i do absolutely nothing but wonder is this all there is ? is this all thats left ?
you wouldn't know it but i miss it i think you do too or at least you know what i mean i miss it i miss it genuinely with every bit of myself terrible for me my god it was awful completely awful destroying myself from the inside out my immature body aging by 10 years with the things I've done but i miss it i miss them
once you start something and you know what it does theres something about it it doesn't make you want to stop and it doesn't make you want to quit and drop to your knees and repent and plead for forgiveness for days on end no rather it.... it simply adds to the appeal you know with a capital 'K' that you shouldn't be doing it yet you glance over your shoulder and continue as simple as that
and you think that someone would say that you shouldn't that you should put it down stop what you're doing get it out of you as soon as possible that you should stop before something truly awful happens but they don't actually isn't that funny ? they just watch and watch as you continue to die
so yes i miss it so yes i miss them i miss it like i had one yesterday i miss the way i would be enabled by others i miss the way it made my insides feel it made me feel wrong and like i would drop and begin to detach and spill out at any moment i miss the way it obliterated my anxiety i miss the way it added to my depression making me numb and unconscious to the fact that everything around me was going wrong it wasn't very good but it was beneficial and my god how i miss it