Pity him, or her...pity them Pity those victims of devastation And infestations And molestation Pity the children...those abandoned babies But it is not enough... Please...do something beyond pity.
Pity those in extreme poverty, Suffering from incapabilities... Pity those with agonizing hearts Because of missing body parts Marred, disfigured, debilitated Physically, Emotionally Psychologically.. But, it is not enough Please...do something beyond pity.
Pity even those with aching hearts Devastated, with broken hearts Who find it difficult to heal Believe again, a cruel world, so real.
Be guided,in reflecting, There are others more deserving, Beware of those who are self-serving Know who are in most need of caring Know that, beyond pity, there's more to be done Much can be done...If we all try to be one.