I will no longer let the crimes of those who hurt me be silenced. To the boy who took my virginity. I was only 12, and you knew this. I had never drank before, and you knew this. But that didn’t stop you. To the older men who took advantage of a young, intoxicated girl, You still inflict goosebumps when the memories come. To my mother, I know it wasn’t your fault the man you chose to date after dad had left, beat you. And i know that's hard to deal with. But watching those crystals in a baggie slowly empty and enter your lungs was when you hurt me. To the boy who abused me, I loved you. And that’s where i was trapped. Congratulations, you got what you wanted. Forever control of my thoughts and self worth. To me, You continue to put yourself down, and you will never survive if it continues.