I thought I could take it and so I endured. I thought I could make it and so I went on. Dismissing each thought each farewell suggestion. Little did I know I was not that strong.
I've been good and I've been behaved. I haven't had an idea like that for even more than days. But somehow recently, I have been thinking, planning once more, my life which is fleeting.
I don't know why it's hard to tell others, hard to tell those who you love and vice versa, They tried asking when they seem to catch me, but it doesn't seem that they take me seriously. I'm just that extrovert who's had a bad day. Doubtful it seems for me to wish myself away. Some people have it worse and say I can't complain, but this time it's different, cause maybe you can handle it but this is my pain.
Stop calling me dumb, Stop calling me intimidating, Stop calling me walang hiya please, stop calling me big, It's not exactly a compliment, so please stop saying it. I thought you understood me though maybe I'm at fault here, for I could never show my feelings as clear as my streaming tears.
I don't know how I can do this.. Most people seem to be fine leaving me alone.