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Mar 2017
B-stream Steve looked both ways
Longing for what he saw.
Thinking he'd be much happier
With those boys he held in awe.

Instead he floundered midstream
Never quite feeling satisfied
Telling himself that one day soon
He'd climb or slowly slide.

B-stream Steve looked both ways
And found as he got older
The gulfs between a, b and c
Were more in the eye of the beholder.

While streaming helped those in charge
He needed to keep in mind
A boy in the middle was much better placed
To befriend those ahead and behind.
Grammar school in the 1970s.  I'll never forget those purple blazers and my friendships with Adrian (A-stream) and Billy (C-stream) both from my junior school.
Steve Page
Written by
Steve Page  61/M/London, U.K.
(61/M/London, U.K.)   
   Keith Wilson and ---
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