It's the biggest lie I've ever heard. People only tell it when they become old, and bitter, and jaded.
You must be able to rely on yourself. You have to be able to pick yourself up Off the bathroom floor, When you collapse in a mess of blood and tears, At three in the morning.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't rely on others. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have faith, Or hope, And it doesn't mean you should never love.
I was told the opposite by a Catholic deacon. He said That when you feel down and out and full of self hatred That it's okay to lean on those around you. It's okay to ask them for help and guidance.
I struggled to hide tears, and I told him "What if you have no one?" Because at one point, that's exactly what I had. No one.
He sat with me, and didn't bother hiding his tears. I still wonder what made him cry, when he spoke to me. Was it the fact that I was so small and young and yet so broken? Or the fact that I reminded him of his daughter, and that I had, unlike her, faced much more of the worlds cruelty?
I tried not to let it get to me.
He told me That if I feel I have no one, Know that I at least have him in my corner, And whether or not I still believe (and he understood if I didn't) that he would be praying for me And a strong, and hopefully swift, recovery.
I like relying on others. I like when they rely on me. Humans are pack animals. We must rely on each other, It's what we're supposed to do.
And now that I have someone Who I know I can always rely on, I realize how bitter and cold and hopeless A person must feel To truly believe You can only ever rely on yourself.