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Feb 2017
You won't consider him dangerous because he always has a weapon on hand
Like an angel with a shotgun
He was unexpected and unplanned
He's not dangerous because he's very experienced, with both women and remedies
He intrigues you
Living a carefree, exciting life is his specialty

He'll draw you in with his deep brown eyes and Cheshire Cat smile
You'll pray he keeps you around for at least a little while
It's no doubt that he has broken more bones than hearts
His hands have never scared you
Yet his poetic words made you cautious from the start

You'll consider him dangerous because he's charming, loving, and kind
No matter how hard you try,
he'll never leave your mind
The spaces between your fingers are right where his fit perfectly
It's as if you were born from the same star, knowing each other for eternity

You'll feel stupid because by now you thought you would've learned your lesson
Don't worry, for he won't **** you with harsh words or leathal weapons
But you'll fall for him and won't remember how or when
He'll **** you by kissing you once and then never again
Josalyn Szwejbka
Written by
Josalyn Szwejbka  Buffalo, NY
(Buffalo, NY)   
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