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Feb 2017
The darkness spread fast..
The fading glow made me sad a little..
But from the darkness I heard new sounds and tones..
Sounds of something that was hidden in the light..
The more darkness there was the clearer the sounds became..
They reminded me of whale songs back at home..
We were all walking toward the light mountains..

The light storm had passed. We continiued our dark journey through the light forest toward these majestic and beautiful light mountains.  There were many mountains the ranged in the same size all except for one.  It stood higher than my eyes could see.  I dare say it stuck out of the planet.  At times it looked like a pillar of light..   We were a group of dark walkers, shadow touchers, dusk bringers, I tried to come up with a cool name to call our group as my mind wonders about in my head.   We then come upon a pond of light water.  It shined with green light rather than blue like the river..  I then heard the voice speak to me.. " They keep her here, we cannot enter these waters, but you can.. Go and free her please."  Without hesitation I stepped into the green light water. The water is deep as I am completly submerged.  But to my suprise I do not see light. I see complete darkness.   For the moment I begin to panic.  But then I see a small speak of light at the center of all the darkness.  It begins to grow and spin about itself.  I then realize that it was a heartbeat.  What I was seeing was a beating heart in the darkness.  I cannot begin to tell you how beautiful it was. It grew brighter and brighter with my presence.  Then a body started to take shape around it.  Only in darkness could I have seen this...
In darkness we are created.
Written by
Solaces  South Texas
(South Texas)   
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