A happenstance in a wintery afternoon bounded by the shreds of earthly stance beyond the gift of the spaced bond rays* at the gaze of an unknown captive glazes on a gentle voice of an unsung dormancy
On the sphere of these cases of first times Sometimes when you awake in the void inside the hollow chord of my existence at the heart of the merge where we entwine then drown as kindred uncaged birds
On the sphere of these cases of first times At times when you fit inside my finds away from the edgy torrential cliffs of tales connected in the alignments of a blissful vent untensed and piously mused and attentive
On the sphere of these cases of first times everytime amused by a blossoming seam a field alertness of all balanced conceptions retentions, corrections, revisions, intuitions where your mind holds the nature of mine
On the sphere of these cases of first times anytime in a world of relentless evanescence as I drift in the rhythmic nature of our souls doused inside the deepest lakes of your remedies *unchained in the pure wonder of your brilliance