Oh heroes of our youths, drawn in splendid colors and panels or flying across screens for sake of justice, you stars of infinity and all realities sparing us from the scourge of boredom while you saved the day with ease, right vs wrong clear as the cerulean sky, for you we pine!
Your winsome smiles soothed housewives and maidens and doe-eyed youngsters even as your capes became faded and tattered and no longer were draped over bedposts of intrepid lady reporters willing to overlook, like we all did, the familiarity of your unspectacled faces!
Your somber tongues gravely implored us to redeem our grimy criminal cities, lighting our fervor by spotlight against darkest sky and even in the absence of grappling hooks or alone with only the latest fashionable belt, with no hot young bird in the passenger seat of your improbable nocturnal sports cars!
Your responsibilities and power came all woven together, kept you from looking out of any of your eyes the wrong way either up or upside down, holding the universe together with chivalry and astute entomological acrobatics!
Your master kicks rivaled any other rat or amphibian, and it was pure art how you would karate chop through our mutated melancholy, radical dudes freeing us in every dimension from maniacal brains and threats of shredding our dignity like pizza cheese!
Your ecology was right as rain, bio-available when we'd ring you up and always giving back the power after cleaning up some toxic mess, blowing our adolescent minds as you flew about kicking *** and spouting corny puns long before oddly-dyed hair was trendy and when Earth was a few degrees cooler!
We mourn you now more than ever, remembering you with longing as true villains appear, their green rocks growing heavier and more radioactive, their twisted jokes severing us from one another, spewing venom, bidding us conquer this land and scorching the world for spite.
We mourn you now, our heroes, gone but not forgotten and barely evoking this nostalgic sense that you never left, summoning within us the courage to claim our inheritance, to finally discover those ancient powers you've bequeathed; to finally step up and save the world.