He was the meanest kid on the playground If the kid he picked on was half of his size. He abused his playmates if they were weak Had freckles or wore glasses on their eyes. He was not a handsome lad in any way. It was almost like he took it out on the world That none of the guys wanted to play with him And he seldom got lucky with the girls.
There was the slightest hint of intelligence But it was always of the devious kind. Nobody ever thought this kid would turn out To be the type to make fortunes with his mind. Taking little kids lunch money from them Was why he even went to school each day. If he looked a bit older and wasn’t lazy He might just have hid out and run away.
He didn’t play ball or do any kind of work And his mom waited on him hand and foot. You could tell when he reached legal age He’d find a woman who would follow suit And treat him like a six foot baby brat As if he was a gift to the whole world. Of course he was in luck there because It’s easy to hook up with that kind of girl.
At work he will call all the women sweetie And soundly slap his cohorts on their backs. He’ll always remember his boss’s birthday It pays to keep the important things on track. If he can block a promotions of co-workers Who are not Caucasian and Christian, He will stick to his hidebound beliefs And stick to ideas of The Dominion.
And if this reprobate ever has children They will grow up to be just like him; They’ll subject siblings and playmates To their own temperament and whim. Because bullying is passed by parents From their parents to their own children. And bullying adheres to no rules about Morality, propriety, intelligence or wisdom.