We celebrate annually a time of new. Like time itself is a new concept. Millions of people celebrating one moment to hold the rest in our sweet memories As if this one party could capture life's wrath and life's breath in one glimpse. Why celebrate now? When every gasp of breath is a feat in itself worthy of kings. When time ticks every other precious moment we mope around and wait till time ends for us to spill out our gratitude for what was. In the end of time, we list what we could fix about the past when the past has gone into the void of the nothing. I challenge you to a new resolution, a revolution of tradition worthy of breaking. Embrace each hour each minute and second with the same exuberance as the first, the middle, and last like no other moment before. With all the moments you breath; as the sun rises and sets and loved ones descend into the darkness. Do not wait till next year. Party like no other celebration ever to come, for no celebration is inevitable.