Ive never been good at leaving but I am accustomed to being left bereft is my middle name abandoned is my first and ruins is my last I am a mess of unhappy endings
the breaths in between are just syllables that sing out names of familar beings now foreign the echo of lost and forgotten things only I find I am cursed to remember
everything is unforgettable to an empath and a thinker reflections are pathways back home and doorways into the unknown I should lose myself there not stalk the night
like an owl prowling for prey that tastes like you all the pain Ive come to know the breaking Ive come to expect
I imagine my heart is bent and twisted up disfigured tree limbs vines of scar tissue a highway filled with dead caucuses
a gravel road paved in ruins some of my own making where inside regrets grow like weeds around a cemetary of memories
In time one by one I will pluck them out cut away the dead flesh learn to make peace to move on
bid farewall to this cold and broken shell of a frost bitten heart walk out of the darkness of past scars
embrace freedom *forgive and let go
Inspired by the Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."