I promised to not drink it all away, I stated I would never let these tears get to me, But here I go again letting me emotions seep out of me.
Everything, everyone is getting the better of me, I try my best not to weep in front of the world. I am slowly losing my mind and battles.
I am at a loss for words, But I never run out of tears.
I am going crazy in my own mind, And no matter how hard I try; No matter how many times I gulp down another drink, I can't seem to win or get free from me.
My chest is heavy than light. I seem to keep flying to high hitting the sun, Burning myself and falling back down into the void I call my "home."
I'm taking another drink, Gulping it all down as the tears stream down. I keep on going till I go down and hit the ground, Now everything is hazy and I feel light, And I am free, just for a little bit.
I promised to stop, I begged myself to, But I realized I can't win or fulfill anything.