He is my light, my life, my soul. He is my family My partner Unaccepted by my family A long life choice to sit by my side Forever.
Strong as the wind in the city of Chicago His love falls unto me like a tree falls in a forest Without the timber scream Silence Secrecy No one will know No one will see
Sadness Rushing through my mind Once through him His soul Numb. Disassociated from life itself Lost. Where the darkness takes over
Darkness The ventriloquist of his heart Where the lack of Dopamine takes over the ability to Sleep Think Feel Anything real
What does the future bring? Sitting at a desk But now, working. Stress. Dying stress Living in the world of Valoran Waging the war of Demacia and Noxus When the real war is against himself
Sister, brother, father, mother He sits in their minds but not in their world Detached. Afraid. Games work bed. Games work bed. Games work bed.
The cycle continues.
Sitting in a photo booth He stares at his whole world His light, His life, his soul. I am his family His partner Loved by his family A long life choice To sit by his side **Forever.