Inspiration seems to be hard to come by I am writing because I have a need My well has run dry This machine needs some thing as feed
My brain has shut down It has nothing any more But I hope with the sun down I will be free to explore Or maybe nothing els I will just rhyme words with them self
If I have nothing to say Then why am I still writing Am I just gambling away? Hoping I will magically be struck by lighting And have some thing exciting to say
Its a fat chance Maybe slim to non Maybe I am just in a trance Or using this a practice or maybe I am just not done
Why am I still writing If its not going to be any good Maybe I shouldn't care what people think and stop all this fighting Maybe I do it because I like it and not because I should
Even Though I am writing out what ever comes out of my head And I don't know what for I feel like I should keep on moving ahead And keep on writing more
I am starting to feel loose And no longer feeling solemn I am starting to feel like this is having some use And is starting to solve my problem
Maybe I am just sharpening up my mind Or helping my self unwind Or maybe I am just putting my emotions on the page And getting rid of my rage
But I feel like writing was worth my time Letting out my thoughts in rhyme I should do things for the love of the art And not worry about if I sound smart