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Dec 2016
When you feel like you've hit rock bottom,
remember you can only go higher from there
And when the demons whisper in your ear late at night
remember they are just demons and cant hurt you.
You were strong enough to let the words into your heart,
let them go
let them out.
They are just words,
words that are meant to hurt and paralyze your brain
Words that mean nothing because you're stronger
you're better than the demon
When the pain gets so bad that you feel like you can't continue,
The pain is temporary.
And someday,
when the pain is all over,
You won't remember the pain that you thought would be there forever.
The pain won't be there forever.
I promise.
to my lover//
Samara Metz
Written by
Samara Metz  Florida
   Rickie Louis and ---
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