It is all about the thing that is the last whisper you hear before you sleep. It is all about the lingering feeling of a soft kiss on your lips before you snuggle the night away in his arm. It is all about the random tide that hits you making you realise how much you're loved, Like a silent sky people forget about sometimes but is always there when you look up. It is all about the numbing chilly breeze on a wintery midnight, that makes you feel so much, The roads and surroundings covered in orangish pink hues, slowly humming to themselves, luring you in a trance. It is all about the soft wintery moon smiling down at you, Or the science exams that bring out your artistic streaks It is about those moment of tranquillity where every piece falls into the places they belong. It is all about the stains you get after laying in the grass early morning Each dew drop looks like a twinkling sun of their own. It is about getting to taste heaven in your favorite flavor, And enjoy the sun kiss your skin. It is all about nani maa oiling your hair and your mother's eyes twinkling, while she says you're such a spoiled kid. It is about the hope that someone else will get the door. It is all about fluffy socks, sweater with hand drawn patterns It is all about flushed cheeks, freezing hands in your friend's pocket Like the snow flakes that fall, Unique in their own way, Every season with itself brings Its own flavor and shades, And though summer is well known for lighting a wildfire in everyone's heart, And adrenaline rush of first love, Winter stands elegantly, and let things run into a deeper course.
Winter is the best time for sneaking into balcony at midnight and enjoying the stillness and world bathed in an oranges hues.