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Nov 2016
it's another day where she hides
it's another day of lying to herself
it's another day of reciting "i'm okay" with the most fabricated of smiles
she is surrounded by the heights of cities and a sky full of clouds that come and go
there is chatter here and there
a couple talking about their dreams
over here is a kid asking for another ice cream cone
but all she sees is black and white
all she hears are her thoughts
there is no sun in her eyes
neither is there rain
it's just dark
it's too dark
it's also quiet
until she is interrupted by the slightest hint of worry
she came into this world with the lightest of steps
she lives today with extra weight on her feet
she is a girl who's learned that some lies and broken promises leave an even bigger mark than cuts and bruises
this poor girl who is constantly torn between calling for help or staying to make sure no damage has been done
she's scared
she always has been
she's like this
well, she wasn't always like this
everyday she hides in the sunshine of others just to blend in
everyday she lies as a temporary escape from her thoughts, only to come back a few seconds after
everyday she recites "i'm okay"
she is
she swears she is
Written by
Tsaa  PHL
   Soulace, River and Nylee
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