You'd cry only enough to get attention. You'd mourn in ways I'd disapprove of. You'd fabricate details of my life That I'd adamantly demand you to Take back.
You would say that you knew what was best for me, But you hardly know what's best for yourself. And my heart pounds out of my chest with excitement At the thought of finally escaping you.
I don't want to die, But I'm sure you'd use that opportunity To be as self serving as ever.
You talk and talk and talk Of betrayal. Of me never being part of the family again, And I hope you know, I knew all this before.
The worst betrayal I did to you Was walk away from you When you were hurting me.
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb (or in this case, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the ink on my adoption papers.)