The **** doesn't give a smell The smell doesn't give a cloud The cloud doesn't give a raindrop The raindrop doesn't give a splash The splash doesn't give a ripple The ripple doesn't give a shiver The shiver doesn't give a cold The cold doesn't give a sneeze The sneeze doesn't give a snot The snot doesn't give a ****** The ****** doesn't give a dirt The dirt doesn't give a bacteria The bacteria doesn't give a rod The rod doesn't give a fish The fish doesn't give a fin The fin doesn't give an end The end doesn't give a death The death doesn't give a grave The grave doesn't give a flower The flower doesn't give a root The root doesn't give a plant The plant doesn't give a strawberry The strawberry doesn't give a seed The seed doesn't give a sprout The sprout doesn't give a leaf The leaf doesn't give a stem The stem doesn't give a bud The bud doesn't give a flower The flower doesn't give a petal The petal doesn't give a pollen The pollen doesn't give a nectar The nectar doesn't give a honey The honey doesn't give a sugar The sugar doesn't give a grain The grain doesn't give a flour The flour doesn't a bread The bread doesn't give a toast The vein doesn't give a blood The blood doesn't give a heart The heart doesn't give me up
And I already told you, I still don't give a **** about it!