He threw candy at me. I whirled around, annoyed. He laughed that singsong laugh. I couldn't help but laugh too. Rules and regulations tied our hands back. Do not touch. Do not look. Do not kiss. First date? "Yes, but do not kiss and do not touch," Mom demanded, solemn look in her eyes. "Mom, he's a good guy. I know him. I really like him. We won't kiss, I promise, but please know that I trust him."
I grabbed his hand first. He hugged me from behind. We danced and sang in public. We were a beautiful mess. But awry things went. Heartbreak. Fighting. Silence. Hate. "No." A kiss on my cheek turned to five. I told him, "No." He pushed himself as if I said nothing at all until I had too much. "Enough!"
It wasn't the rules and regulations. It was my heart and my feelings. Something was wrong, and I didn't want the touching and the kissing and the hugging and... He. hurt. me. I trusted him. He. lied. to. me. practically all the time.
Should I have loved him? I could've loved him. I almost loved him. He said I love you. I didn't believe it. He said "Stay." Commanded. Demanded. As if I was under his control. Bitterly laughing, I guaranteed him I won't. His eyes turned dark, but his voice continued pleading, "Are you sure? Please, baby, come back to me. You are my everything." Deep in those eyes lied the truth, and I knew this was not what love felt like. "No." "*******," he said, seething anger laced his once-sweet voice. "**** it. If you want to go-" I nodded, "Yes." He said bye. So did I. 'Twas the end.
Based on a true story, unfortunately. I guess one can say he was my first boyfriend. ~a.~