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Oct 2016
At the beginning
We are lost,

Forced to amble the
Surface until we have
Created something great.  

Our feet firmly planted,
No doubts in our minds,
We are not afraid of the
Places we have not

We are content with
What we haven’t seen
Because we
What lies there.


We’ll allow our closed minds
To wander to the unknown,
The places unmarked on the
If only for a moment.

We’ll lift our heads against
The force of our own realities
To finally face what lies above.
We’ll see the vast Abyss
Of lost opportunities
Within the stars.

Our hearts will sink to
Our bowels,
And for once in our
Egocentric lives,
We’ll believe in some
Greater meaning.

We’ll suddenly fall
Simplistically short
Of all fantasies self-held.

We’ll realize
What we gave up
To be who we are.
Written by
Nicole Raymond  Wisconsin
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