hurt so deep because it's so true she caught in two words what it's like to be two strangers on a ship where the cabins don't meet and the ship is of wood not glass like the sky vibrations shaking the tears out because the cabin walls are thick and you cannot kick a magic trick
oh honesty how you hurt a man how you make him one by slapping back his crazy hand
oh love how complicated how free
oh you how perfect how true
oh years how long and stretched
you ate the truth than hid it in yourself.
you spat it out like heavy pearl in my pleading mouth
and I'm here in the kitchen having read your ******* text hoping I had the guts to make you cry wanting to kick you wanting to kiss you
sinking noises. we need to address this but not like that not by hitting the strings and cutting them with our salt
learning how to play the satisfying way without making sad the one you love because it's ******* not my fault for these cabin walls so don't cry explain with caution adress the situation
she whispered "Sinking noises" and said goodnight.
and I'm wondering if she's right
but in the end we should help each other not find ways to hurt each other
faint hint of truth, it already hurts like childbirth