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Aug 2016
The importance of friendship is infinite.
So often, people use each other for memories and fun times.
But it isn't supposed to stop there, is it?
We are supposed to lean on each other when times get hard.
We can't let fights get between us, we can't let relationships distance us.
For there are bonds that can be created; bonds stronger than any you can see.
Just one talk with a real friend can set your worries free.
And friends are not followers, that is obvious to me.
They are treasures and gifts from God.
They are a shoulder to cry on when times get hard.
They are laughs when you want to cry.
And wings when you want to fly.
They are secret keepers, and dream believers.
They are motivators and personal cheerleaders.
But it is most important to realize that friendship isn't one-way.
Because we are all human, and the world doesn't revolve around you.
Friendship is about caring and loving unconditionally.
It is about giving not to receive, but giving because you believe.
Believe in love and friends and fun and laughs and crying and deep conversations past 3am.
Believe in relationships deeper than any with some cute boy.
Believe in a lifetime of care and joy.
i couldn't make it without y'all
Written by
Rae  20/F/Oklahoma
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