it's 2:53 is it wrong of me to think that sometimes the devil turns us against each other for his own schemes?
hours past my bedtime but i can't sleep because i'm over the edge and if i turn out the lights now i'll be awake until the sunrise with panic attacks
it's 2:54 is it wrong of me to think in terms of either-or?
i'm a little weird in that most of the music i listen to lately is just ambient noise instrumentation designed to make me feel less choked
2:55 a pain in my chest i'm afraid of death even more to stay alive
i get scared of myself sometimes at night when i'm alone because i know i'm the only one with the motive the power to destroy myself
and i start feeling powerless helpless i know where the knives are i know where the pills are i know i'm smart enough to figure out how to tie knots but sometimes i don't know if i can talk myself down from that ledge
and i get scared of losing control i don't really want to die i don't think?