Told at age 18 she's gonna go blind at 26 Wrote it down in her notebook Tucked it away in a junk drawer full of glass eyes one for every outfit pearl for the wedding Ebony for Halloween Nine to five on Saturday She rents out the left socket to local businesses sold that part of herself to make a quick buck. Quickie Quickly get his fix sting Won't feel him in the morning. doesn't feel anything anymore Epidural Gave her spine away too replaced it for a zipper to better access her marionette ribcage thought she could cut out the strings left a scar so big it needed more then buttons and thread goes by cupcake puts her frosting on every morning has to taste sweet boys like the red dye dripped into batter battered almost without notice. Nobody will notice when it goes off comes out Red dye blood splotch the epidural won't feel anything doesn't feel anything anymore sting a part she can't even feel the wedding dress she still hasn't picked up or canceled paid for By renting out space. white with ebony lace beautiful pearl jewelry like glass eyes drawers full of glass eyes she plucked out so she didn't have to look watch it grow the hospital didn't reimburse her for this feeling they didn't warn her about the ticking clock screaming mothers mirage houses with white picket fences only barren desert wastelands tumbleweeds taunt her in the worst of nightmares Screaming churn crying soft Cribs and cages Marbles clinked as she pulled out the junk drawer rolled past the frosting colored pistol around a notebook the notebook she wrote every picture she didn't want to see anymore down in. the notebook she picked up first.