The words brewed steam itches Switches that are unexplainable twitches of mortal flames the ******* stones wrapped like a newborn baby unknown
The look in your eyes is pale the thought of you ails all flesh in the window of my life you have no place or reflection* like blurred mirror of the unwise
Professors and supervisors transcend and ascend crafted fibs Is it too late to try and sculpture? Refine you to a mastery of change like a culture of spirits rising
I would like to hold you inside my all in the softness of my brain summarise a scaffold structure of analytical glory I would like to caress you close to me kiss the dimensions of the edgy thesis a trifle of paradisiacal pleasure and taste
Should I try and see your worth in a system? A world whose lease is an unending debt Where we are human competing for labour A world where we are slaves of economy Where we hustle along the automated robots *A world where ready or not we sink in demise