Tomorrow will be sixty three days. Sixty three days Of wanting to breathe as deeply as I could. Of enjoying the feeling Of the sun on my skin. Of knowing I'm not horrible.
Tomorrow I will still have Thirty seven days to go, Until I get to one hundred.
And now I'm counting down the days, Until I get to see you. I only have to go three nights, Two days, Until I see you again.
I am so glad That I made it. I am so glad I didn't break. I am so glad To enjoy the sound of music again. I am so happy To be alive.
Right now I'm crying, Because it's a beautiful feeling, Wanting to live And being in love.
If I can make it passed All the torment I've made it through, To get to this, With you at my side, I know I can do anything.
Actions speak louder than words. Let me show you my gratitude and humble pride Until the day after forever.