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Jul 2016
Allow me to rant like a vulture with no carrion, I'm carrying a burden that's stiffer than Shinsuke Nakamura revolving around something simple, my job.

Now let me start of by saying I like my job, it's simple and pays a decent wage
But I'm incensed at myself, it's a never ceasing rage

Because it's natural to want out of the nest, but dear old mom's job market is phasing out
And I'm caught between her and my own nagging self doubt

Because I want to move away, have my own Corner of the earth
But every time I want to get serious about this ambition I think of her being physically or financially hurt

So I'm stuck in a position that makes no sense

Maybe, just maybe that's why I'm incensed
Written by
NeroameeAlucard  Chicago Illinois
(Chicago Illinois)   
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