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Jul 2016
That even after us, I continue to become friends because that's how we started
That even after us, I will continue to remember the night we met and how that night changed the both of us
That even after us, I will make it to a point to talk to you. That's if you want me to

That even after us, even if it means finding someone new, I would still share stories to you because you have no idea how sharing you stories make me feel like home
And I haven't been home for quite sometime
That even after us, I will never move to another city because this is where we made dreams come true

That even after us, I will continue to write poems for you
And you continue to make art for me
That's what we both are
Poetry and art.
You are my poetry and I am your art
We're one like that.
e-mail me for collabs
Alexa Araneta
Written by
Alexa Araneta
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