On Ohio nights, you've got fireflies. Out West, we like our rifles. Never pull your days out from the roots 'til the nights have all been ripened.
City lights are purpling blackened streets and we can see our way to habits through these neighborhoods...
Our sentences are carbines. Order up a few more rounds. I guess it's almost automatic when the late reports all sound like we've got rain all week. It's rain all week. And you're so sick of parades.
You say you want a Summer. One that never ends. One that takes you back to Ashland, brings you sense of time and feelings for old friends.
I think the party's over. No streamers on the wall. Pack your bags, punch a ticket, bring a jacket and I'll see you in the Fall.
I'll see you in the Fall.
On Ohio nights, you've got fireflies. Out here, we've got some mountains? Never load your words into your clip 'til the shells have all been counted. City lights rain gold on midnight streets and we can feel our way familiar through these neighborhoods.
Our paragraphs are Kevlar. Knocking down another round. When the night sky tries to swallow you, the late reports all sound like we've got rain all week. It's rain all week. I was so tired of parades.
I'm looking towards the Winter. Know how that one ends. It'll take me back to Sheridan, bring sense of time and memories of old friends.
I think the party's over. No streamers on the wall. Pack your bags, punch a ticket bring a jacket and I'll see you in the Fall.