I could topple from the sky for a saunter amongst the wingless owls arbitrarily. Carrying my futile attempt on serving the sun with a contempt glance, As I let my imagination run free like nine jockeys in one horse race.
When the night falls, I am the captain of my own ship.
I could set my course straight to my hiding place without any further ado; Where I'd sail to where dreams and phantasies collide until the clock strikes two.
But most importantly, When the night falls, life isn't like crossing a palisade or walking through a horrible gale; Life isn't like a perpetual movement of climbing up the rickety stairs or losing a bet to the middleman.
Life isn't as stilted as when I stood dead on the yawnful street or as boisterous as the crowds watching King Louis guillotined to death.
Because there is only peace.
The skies may be the blackest black; the air may be the emptiest space, but none like the night where I can sit and stare, and watch as the moon and the stars shine my way.